BRITT VIEBROCK5 years working in Child welfare, Mother, Wife, bookworm, enneagram 9, lover of learning
Likes: Natural bodies of water, sweater weather, camping, reading, hammocks, making people laugh, the Renaissance Festival, Escape rooms Dislikes: Celery, driving at night, hypocrites, things touching my neck, finding the toilet paper roll empty Brittaney’s family became licensed as a foster home when she was in middle school. After experiencing the joy of reunifying one placement they had the opportunity to adopt her younger sister. This experience left her with the desire to contribute to the child welfare system in a productive and positive way throughout her career. Brittaney graduated with her undergraduate degree in Psychology in 2012 then went on to complete her first Masters degree in Family and Child Studies. Following 3 years of working with children and youth in a Psychiatric facility Brittaney went back to school to earn her Masters in Social work from the University of Texas at Austin in 2019. Upon graduation she began to work as a Case Manager and later Home Developer at a Child Placing Agency in Austin. This work exposed her to the amazing work being done at Austin Angels, so when a position opened within the greater national organization, she leapt at the opportunity to join the team. Brittaney enjoys relaxing by reading and taking bubble baths whenever possible. On the weekend you will find her playing with her two kids, cooking and planning the next trip to the beach or river. |